Registration Fee: Rs. 2,000

Admission Fee: Rs. 15,000

Security Deposit : 20,000

Annual Charges Preschool Rs. 5000 per term (Playgroup, Nursery, Prep)

Annual charges 6000 per term (Class 1 to O-Level)

Science lab chargers 5000 per term (for Class 8, O-Level)

Computer lab charges monthly Rs. 1500 (Class 1 to O-Level)

Sports day annual charges Rs. 5000 for all classes 


Class Level   Monthly Tuition Fee
Preschool (Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Prep) 16,000
Class 1 to Class 3 17,500
Class 4 to Class 6  18,500
Class 7 to Class 8  19,000
O-Level-1  23,500
O-Level-2 24,500


  • 10% consession  first sibling, 20% concession on second sibling, 25% concession on third sibling, on monthly tuition fee only.
  • The school fee structure is revised annually.









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